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Karena itu Aku berkata kepadamu: Janganlah kuatir akan hidupmu, akan apa yang hendak kamu makan atau minum, dan janganlah kuatir pula akan tubuhmu, dan apa yang hendak kamu pakai. Bukankah hidup itu lebih penting daripada makanan dan tubuh itu lebih penting daripada pakaian?(Matius 6:25)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mia Nursalamah STORY's

Today, when i know that information and get the invitation for my friend wedding party.. huah.. feeling is unbelieveable but happy.. Congratulation my friend, Mia Nursalamah get through ur new life with happiness, become a good partner for your husband, muahhh.. :-)

Now, at 4th year programme.. is it real or not, all of us facing a difficult life from now on. Just remember for Minorthesis makes my heart beats fast, remember for our study at Respiratory System, and three more system, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, and Tropical Medicine, Our KKN, SOOCA, OSCE, Midterm, Final Exam.. :-(
Become patient friend, just let it flow. it's our way to be a good doctor, right?

Hope that everyday i can see happiness at ur face, even i know maybe someday it is quite difficult because everything gonna gone, everything has its own time, own places.. May God Bless Us, Friend...

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